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Commerce Ballarat Board Handbook

  Commerce Ballarat Board Information Handbook (Last Updated MARCH 2024)

Mental Wellbeing Tips
Mental Health

Mental Wellbeing Tips

Download 'Mental Wellbeing Tips' Worksheets below. Create a Tiny Wellbeing Habit Self Care Check Up Tool Self Care Management Plan…

Mildura Annual Report
Organisation Documents

Mildura Annual Report

Download Mildura Regional Developments Annual Report HERE

Mildura Strategic Plan
Organisation Documents

Mildura Strategic Plan

Download Mildura Regional Development Strategic Plan HERE

Strategic Plan
Organisation Documents

Strategic Plan

Download Commerce Ballarat's Strategic Plan here

Application Booklet
Business Award Documents

Application Booklet

View or download Commerce Ballarat's Application Booklet here

Small Business Wellbeing
Mental Health

Small Business Wellbeing

Commerce Ballarat have partnered with the EACH ‘Partners in Wellbeing – Small Business Wellbeing Program’, The Small business Wellbeing team…

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